20 June 2017


Who knows, why, but as we were headed out the door to Seven Peaks one day... we found this.  A sprinkler valve had broken... who knows when.  And flooded the area the sprinklers are in.  
 And.. down one window well.  I was mortified that water had got in the house.  We were already in swimsuits.  I jumped right in and bucket by bucket we hauled the water out.  (Once I turned off the water).  The kids were really good to help me.  The would haul the buckets of water over to whatever part of the grass was away from the house and dump them and bring them back.
 This shows how far up the window the water was.  Very scary!

When all was said and done, that room seemed fine. But when I went down there later that day... water had come UP from the concrete floor.  It was horrible.  Next we got the carpet cleaner and shop vac and sucked and sucked what we could.

The sad thing is that this happened... AGAIN later.  I hate sprinklers.