15 September 2012

Analisa's Adventure

Last Saturday, Analisa was playing with her brother and fell on a bed post.  She complained that "her cheek hurt," so I went to kiss it better and discovered a hard large lump under her jaw on her left side of her face.  I was very concerned by it and took her to a local instacare. 

They said the impact of the injury had caused a "hematoma" and compared it to a goose egg, but under her jaw.  They said putting ice on it was probably not worth the fight, and just give her ibprofen that day and the next to bring down the swelling.  The body would just disolve it and it would disappear.

Disappear, it didn't.  Shrink: nope.  By Thursday, I worked all day, but my mother in law said she had a high fever and it was red.  We gave her tylenol to bring the fever down, that worked.  The next morning when her doctor was open, I called in to see what they said about it.  I was at work again and hadn't really seen it since Wednesday.  But I knew it was red by now, and still large, and she'd had the fever.  They said we should bring her in just to take a look.

Quinton took her to Bryner's clinic.  Her doctor said it was an odd place for a hemotoma, and at any rate it looked infected.  He referred us to Primary Children's ER to get it scanned.

I left work early to meet Quinton at the ER.  I am pregnant... and was very emotional leaving work.  I felt so cheated, we had taken her to instacare!  They did nothing for us, I was frustrated.  But Analisa is so brave and was and has been such a couragous girl through the myraid of doctors.

She cried when they put in the IV, but held very still.  It was sad.

They did a CAT scan (I couldn't be in there with her because of the pregnancy), but Quinton stayed right by her.  She didn't cry and held very still.  She did so good.  The pictures told them it was an abscese (not a swollen gland), and that it was full of fluid. (Hematoma gone wrong??)  She was put on antibotics all night long, and they officially admitted her about 2am.  (I went home to sleep by 1 and Quinton stayed with her). 

The antibiotics didn't have much affect.  She is now scheduled for surgury early today.  (Although the hour keeps getting pushed back later and later.  It breaks my heart she keeps asking for food and water, she hasn't eaten since lunch yesterday.)  The surgury will drain it, then hopefully we can go home soon and she can be on oral antibiotics from there.